Friday, February 24, 2017

Photo A Day Challenge

A couple of years ago, I discovered a photo a day challenge from Chantelle of Fat Mum Slim. I tried it for a couple of months but couldn't keep up on a daily basis. However, I enjoyed seeing the pictures everyone else posted each day on Facebook and Instagram.

On the first of January this year, I decided to try it again. I'm already finding it difficult to keep up daily and have missed a handful of days. On the days I wasn't inspired or didn't have time, I would go to the archives and find a photo for the prompt. I don't like making a commitment and not being able to keep it, even if the commitment was just to myself.

Chantelle posts the daily prompts a month at a time. I'm thinking I'll do this as a photo a week challenge. I can pick a prompt that interests me from each week and not feel stressed or pressured to come up with something creative every day. I'm always working on improving my photography and this challenge helps with that, which is why I'm not ready to completely give it up.

Here are a few of the pictures so far.

Photo prompt: Circle...this was looking up through a basketball hoop

Prompt: Time...time to play in the first snow of the season

Photo prompt: Path...from our trip to Denver in fall of 2015

Photo prompt: Where I Sleep

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annette, I don't think I could manage a photo a day!
    Your photos are amazing :) Love the "path" one especially!


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