Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Every Thursday I share what I'm thankful for.  Sometimes it's a serious or big thing, and sometimes it's a goofy or small thing.  I believe that no matter what is going on in our lives, there is always something to be thankful for.  Always.

Three years ago I had a sleep study done to see if I had sleep apnea.  Turns out I did, so I've been sleeping every night with my Cpap mask and machine.  (The one shown is not the one I have.  Couldn't find mine)
Even though I now get a good nights sleep and feel rested more often than not, I've never liked sleeping with it.  It's just cumbersome and in the way and took a long time to get used to.  Last weekend I was replacing some of the parts and realized that I had thrown away the whole frame that connects everything together.  But I threw it away in the morning and now it was bedtime.  And the kitchen trash was now tied up and outside.  And there is no customer service for orders until after the weekend.  So I've been sleeping without it except I'm not really sleeping.  I have felt like a zombie all week and it made me realize just how thankful I am for this Darth Vader like contraption!  

I'm also thankful for 
     *  all the Valentines in my life
     *  the weather channel 
     *  TV shows with no commercials
     *  the creative people who inspire me
     *  warm socks on a cold morning
What are you thankful for today?

Happy Valentine's Day!

xo Annette xo


  1. Oh no! I hope you get a replacement very soon, Annette!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. These really are wonderful machines! I hope you get a replacement part soon so you can rest easy again :)
    Today I'm thankful for breakfast out!

  3. Oooops! I've done things like that too - and of course we never realize it until it's too late to retrieve. I work with a gal who uses one and it's helped her immensely, though she said it really took some getting used to. Hope your new part comes really soon.

    This week...
    *A fun week at work with Valentines projects.
    *My hubby is cooking me dinner tonight for V Day. :-)
    *A fun evening with my boys, playing guitar and just hanging out.

  4. Hope your new machine comes soon.
    I am thankful for a nice Valentine from my hubby, the end of the first "peak" of tax season, and a quick fix to my computer (down for 14 hours).

  5. Yikes, I hope you can a replacement first thing on Monday and have a restful nights sleep. Nothing beats it!
    Sorry I have been absent. I got knocked down by the flue and just now trying to get caught up with everybody.
    Very thankful for fever reducers!!


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