Friday, April 4, 2014

Focus On Life Week 14 ~ Morning

Can you believe it's April already?  I'm so glad it's finally beginning to look and feel like spring.  This new month brings a new topic for Focus On Life.   We're going to be capturing moments.  Moments frozen in time that years later, with a glance, will trip the trigger of memory.  Memories, bits of time saved from forever being lost.  This week we will focus on our morning moments.

After breakfast every morning, I fix a cup of tea and spend time on the computer checking emails, catching up on Facebook and playing Scrabble, reading blogs, and hanging out on Pinterest.  I spend way too much time doing this, but I enjoy it and I have the luxury of time at this point in my life.  It's much less stressful than the days of getting kids up and off to school and then going to work!

You can see other morning moments below.

Have a really wonderful weekend!

xo Annette xo

96.  the blooming flowers and trees
97.  running errands without a coat on
98.  a new great nephew


  1. Great pictures of your morning! Sounds like my weekend mornings!

  2. Great pictures of your morning! Sounds like my weekend mornings!

  3. :) I was just lamenting how I cannot do much of this anymore... but I will have my cup of tea freshly brewed from leaves, fruits, and flower (whatever concoction I gather that morning). Enjoy your time on your own :)

  4. Sounds like a very enjoyable morning. I too check my emails in the morning but I usually bead some first.

  5. That is my routine as well. Always check my electronic communication before jumping in the shower! Your work surface looks much tidier than mine!

  6. My mornings are much the same. After breakfast it's time for coffee and checking email/reading blogs.
    in fact that's what I'm doing right now :)

  7. Fun morning ritual if you ask me! Relaxing!

  8. When I saw that title I thought, oh oh, because I know you don't consider yourself a morning person. It sounds like you have found a way to enjoy your mornings and it sounds like perfect "me" time!!

  9. Loving the shots A. :)

    After all these years in America it is still weird for me to see a cup of tea without milk in it, lol :)

    Sounds like a fun peaceful time :)

    I find my time on the computer to be more stressful unless I am actually working on my photography :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend, cheers, T. :)

  10. It sound like a lot of us have similar mornings!

  11. Isn't it great to be at this time in our lives? No kids to get up and off to school, no work, just leisure to do what you want. I love it!

  12. Anymore time flies by, I'm still wondering what happened to February ! Was there a February this year or did we just skip it entirely ?
    Though I'm not a morning person there have been those rare occasions when, unable to sleep, I've stumbled into the kitchen, fixed a cup of java and watched with childlike wonder as the sun crept above the horizon. In the quite solitude it was like watching a miracle, the birth of a new day.

  13. Anymore time flies by, I'm still wondering what happened to February ! Was there a February this year or did we just skip it entirely ?
    Though I'm not a morning person there have been those rare occasions when, unable to sleep, I've stumbled into the kitchen, fixed a cup of java and watched with childlike wonder as the sun crept above the horizon. In the quite solitude it was like watching a miracle, the birth of a new day.


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