Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm Honored

Last week I was given this wonderful award by T. over at Poppy Place PDX.  Her blog is on my daily must read list because she is always postive and inspiring.  I'm honored that she would choose my blog to receive this award.  Thank you so much T.!!!

As a recipient I am to share 7 things about myself that you may not already know!  Here goes:

1.  I love driving and taking road trips.  This started when I was a young child and hasn't become old yet!  However, my body has gotten older and I get stiff so I have to stop and stretch more often!

2.  I am terrified of flying (see #1).  I haven't flown since 1991 when we flew back to the states after living in Germany for over 3 years.

3.  I can't swim.  If the water is over my head I panic and sink.  I discovered this in 7th grade gym class!

4.  I was born on Mother's Day. 

5.  I believe in fate and everything happens for a reason. 

6.  I have entered the Pillsbury Bake-Off twice.  I'm determined to win before I die!

7.  If I could change 1 thing about myself, I would be fearless.  I'm afraid of too many things and it gets in the way of living sometimes.

The next thing I have to do is pass this award on to 7 other blogs.  I can't do that!  Over on the right is a list of my favorites  and I can't won't choose just 7.  They're all my favorites for different reasons, so I pass this award on to all of them!  Feel free to copy, follow the instructions and pass it on!

I hope you all have a super Sunday!  We'll be digging out from the blizzard and watching the game tonight...Go Saints!!!!  What are you doing today?



  1. Dear Annette,
    These awards are lovely, however I have run out of '7 things you don't know about me' with that said I will thank you with all my heart and say congrats to you!
    your friend,
    PS...I've received a few of these and I'm afraid my followers are finding out way too much about me ..he..he... ;-) A little mystery is good!

  2. I'm terrified of flying, too. I flew for the 1st time in 2007 (age 56). I flew once more after that, fascinating, but terrifying. Don't like it at all.

  3. Congratulations on the awards! You deserve them.

    I can BARELY swim -- and that's after taking swimming lessons at the age of 40. I'm okay as long as I can touch bottom (and I'm pretty short, so that's not very deep). I truly wish I could swim gracefully and completely, but I'm too embarrassed to practice my minimal skills around others ... and I certainly don't have a pool of my own to splash around in.

  4. Love the new dress ! We are getting slammed again aren't we ??? UGH I HATE SNOW !!!


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